Company Introduction

Long Trump Corporation Limited was set up in 1985. We are professional distributor of electronic components.

We’ve been conducting business according to our belief of honesty and integrity, taking the customers and vendors as our trustworthy partners. Therefore, under the mutual support of our partners, we continue to grow. Meanwhile, we keep adjusting our products to keep up with the latest market trend and customer's demands, so that their needs can be satisfied fully.

In order to adapt to globalization and customers' migration toward mainland China, Long Trump actively positioned ourselves in Chinese market, setting up offices in Shanghai and Shenzhen. This action enabled us to provide best services and support for customers from all over Greater China.

In addition, we set up a battery manufactory, JHT,in 2003 in the hope of providing high-quality and professional customized products to our customers.

Aiming to adapt to fast-forward and constant-changing industrial environment, Long Trump not only insists in our traditions of sustainable management and constant support for customers, vendors, but also ask ourselves to continuously pursue progression and excellence.


  • To envision globally
  • -To operation internationally
  • To focus on future market
  • To set up long-term strategic plan of quick response to market trend.


  • -Built an in-house FAE team to extend the products' added value, with the concept of systematic module incorporation.


  • "Excelsior" is always our attitude. Customer's satisfaction is our goal in terms of quality control.


  • To provide instant, excellent, considerate, and efficient services as our principle


  • To set up system of professional management, basing on technical and sales talents.

Our ISO maxim:" Learning, Performance, Innovation"

Therefore, when facing challenges, Long Trump continually follows the principle--- " Do our best no matter what." We reflect, learn, try, review, and improve again. We stick to the disciplines and execute proactively for future expansion. Meanwhile, we are also achievers who take responsibility seriously to reach our goal. Win-win among customers, vendors, and Long Trump is our ultimate objective. We work together to create the future of infinite business opportunities.



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